12 Ways to Ace Your Next Phone Interview

Years ago, I was so excited to be promoted from the mail room to the sales department–until I found out I’d be answering telephones. Thankfully, my supervisor sensed my discomfort and gave me some extra phone training, which boosted my confidence.

Phone interviews can be nerve-wracking, but the reality is, your career search will likely involve one, if not several. It’s best to be prepared, and it may surprise you to read what you should or shouldn’t do. For example, one tip is to sing beforehand!

Professional speakers exercise their voices before speaking, and so can you. Singing will stretch out your voice muscles and also give you the energy you need to ace your phone interview. Singing also lowers your stress level, leaving you excited and ready for your interview.

For all 12 tips, read the full article here. Best wishes for a stress-free interview!

Article originally published on businessinsider.com by Vivian Giang.

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