Frustrated? Let Your Recruiter Help with Your Job Search!

By Lance Gilbert

To all you job seekers out there, we at Amtec all know how time consuming searching for a job can be.  Just getting your resume properly formatted and up to date with your most recent experience is a chore in and of itself.  Then there’s the search itself — scouring the job boards, newsletters, blogs, Facebook posts, Twitter feeds, and other means of social media and employment trends.  This can be quite stressful and exhausting.  We’ve all been there!  And this just brings you to the step of identifying the job(s) that you’re interested in.  Still to go are the often numerous steps involved with creating your applicant profile, completing an application, and submitting the required documents!

While working to fill a QA Engineer position for a Portland-based client, I found one frustrated candidate to be at the brink of total destruction, ready to burn bridges, destroy relationships, and run for the hills!  I was able to calm her down, but believe me, we can empathize with this. As recruiters, one of our paramount goals is to facilitate a smooth and rewarding job search, ideally with your being hired into a position that is a great fit. By presenting you, the candidate, in the best light and driving the recruiting life cycle with true concern for your best interest, we can help mitigate much of the job-search-related stress and hopefully avoid those moments of supreme frustration.

I think what bothered my job seeker in Portland was her feeling that the process was confusing and unclear. As a candidate searching on your own, you could go to a lot of work and still not succeed. But rest assured, your recruiter is all about getting your resume to the top of the list and kickstarting the interview process to get you in front of decision-makers and hiring managers. It’s my hope that all our Amtec candidates feel comfortable asking questions to bring clarity to the equation, regardless of how challenging the time or circumstance may be, rather than thinking the worst of the employment agency and prospective employer!

If you let your recruiter help with your job search, we can avoid those nasty moments that can lead to overwhelming frustration. Together, we’ll keep optimism and positive thought at the forefront of our goals and the bedrock to our initiatives. You don’t have to go it alone.

Before your next interview, learn the value of a good question!

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