Changing Jobs: Will the Grass Really Be Greener?

Changing jobs is a big decision. For Shawn, the changes in his job duties were so subtle at first that he hardly noticed them. But when the longer hours and pressure-filled deadlines began taking their toll, Shawn started looking for another job, which proved to be easier than he’d anticipated. The day Shawn gave two weeks’ notice, he agreed to his boss’s request to train the newly promoted employee who was to take his place. But Shawn’s focus and attitude had slipped, and his subsequent attempts to train the new girl were halfhearted at best. By the time Shawn left, his boss regretted having given him a good reference. But Shawn was just relieved to have moved on.

Have you reached a point in your career where you’re ready to throw in the towel and make a move? Like Shawn, you may easily find a new job, especially in the current labor market. But in changing jobs, will the grass really be greener on the other side? Will your hours truly be shorter, your commute reduced, or your boss kinder? Will whatever problems you experienced in your previous job follow you to your new one?

In his recent blog post, author and branding/marketing/business expert Dean Del Sesto gives a wise warning to anyone considering changing jobs:

The old adage that the grass is greener on the other side is a nice line, but it fails to define what is over on the other side once we get there. But if we do decide to leave for greener pastures… it’s wise to note, it may not be as green as we thought, nor will we have the tools of perspective or experience that we had on the previous side. So we end up in a new thing with old baggage and a whole host of new challenges we didn’t see, most of which are exactly like the ones we left on the original side.

How can you be sure that changing jobs at this point in your career is the right thing to do? A lot of factors will enter into your decision, but here are three tips to consider:

Be clear about how this move will benefit your career. In your second and/or final interview, ask specific questions to learn how your new employer addresses areas of concern or importance to you. In making a job change, tradeoffs are often required. You could experience better hours but a longer drive. You could gain greater compensation but higher demands and stress. Or you could be given new opportunities to learn but be put under greater pressure. Will what you gain offset the costs of what you lose?

Realize that you’ll carry your current unresolved problems or dysfunctional patterns to your next place of employment. If you’re running from an unhappy situation, be prepared–wherever you go, there you are! Where possible, it’s best to face and resolve any troublesome issue before you leave. This way, you can be emotionally free to fully focus on your new position.

Give 100% to your old job until you complete your last day. First impressions are important, but so are final impressions. If you don’t want to burn any bridges or harm your reputation, don’t check out before you actually leave.

Changing jobs is also rated as one of the top ten stressful things a person can experience. That’s why, while a job change can be a good and even necessary thing, it’s important to be sure that your career move is well planned and a step in the right direction.

Ready to hand in your resignation? First read this advice from an experienced recruiter.

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