Get Help to Identify Your Strengths

It’s been said that more than half of U.S. workers are dissatisfied in their jobs. Are you one of those employees who’s considering a career change? Could it be that you are working in the wrong job because you haven’t yet identified your strengths? Imagine how satisfying it would be to spend your working hours doing something that you really loved!

According to lifestyle and career coach Barbara Sher, you may be unable to recognize your own talents. But don’t worry–to get an honest assessment of your true giftings, all you need is the help of a good friend. Sher gives a simple 6-step process you and your friend can use to identify your strengths and imagine how they might play out in day-to-day life. As Sher puts it in step 5, “This may take three or 13 rounds—there’s no need to rush…This is about crafting a scenario tailored to your strengths.”

So if you’re feeling like a square peg in a round hole in your career, grab a good friend who really knows you, then check out this article together to identify your strengths. You may be surprised at what you learn about yourself–and at what career possibilities await you!

Is your job search going nowhere? Maybe you’re applying for the wrong jobs! Read more…

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