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How to Hire Cost Accountants in Long Beach

Amtec Hiring Guides

How to Hire Cost Accountants in Long Beach

Current Environment

Accounting is a system of recording and summarizing business and financial transactions. For as long as civilizations have been engaging in trade or organized systems of government, methods of record-keeping, accounting, and accounting tools have been in use.

Hiring qualified cost accountants is an incredibly important decision for any organization because they are so involved in the everyday aspects of all things financial. Many large companies will employ accountants at the corporate level, business unit level, or functional area, such as payroll, accounts payable and account receivable. 

Especially as taxes become more complex and challenging, accountants can and will continue to play an important role in the overall lifecycle of a business.


The history of the field of finance and the recording and management of financial activities dates back to the dawn of civilization. While fiance has roots in scientific fields, such as statistics, economics, and mathematics, it also includes non-scientific elements that liken it to art.

As the complexity of financial instruments, transactions, stock markets, reporting requirements, and regulation has increased, the need for specialized roles in finance and accounting has grown.

How will Recruiting cost accountants Help Your Company?

How will Hiring cost accountants Help Your Company?

If your business is interested in reducing waste and increasing cost efficiency, you may want to consider hiring a cost accountant.  Unlike a financial accountant, who calculates assets and liabilities, cost accountants analyze financial processes and make cost-saving recommendations.

Some of the ways that cost accountants can help to maximize company profits are as follows:

  • Analyze profits
  • Negotiate with suppliers
  • Reduce bad debts
  • Eliminate unprofitable products and services
  • Restructure financing
  • Maximize pricing
  • Review labor costs
  • Track advertising investments
  • Plan for profit
  • Identify valuable customers

cost-accountant Details


Before we get to exactly how to recruit the best cost accountants in Long Beach here are more details about the job responsibilities. 

Cost accountants are responsible for collecting, adjusting, auditing, and scrutinizing financial information from all areas of a company. They must collate the facts and numbers, which may include data about personnel, planning systems, operating policies, wages, and bonuses into financial reports that can be thoroughly analyzed and tracked over time. 

Cost accounts also do the following:

  • Examine financial statements to ensure that they are accurate and comply with laws and regulations
  • Compute taxes owed, prepare tax returns, and ensure that taxes are paid properly and on time
  • Inspect account books and accounting systems for efficiency and use of accepted accounting procedures and identify potential risks for fraud
  • Organize, analyze, and maintain financial records
  • Assess financial operations, identify risks and challenges, and make best-practices recommendations to management
  • Suggest ways to reduce costs, enhance revenues, and improve profits

Looking for another position? View other positions we place in Long Beach, California.


Most positions require a Bachelor’s degree, while some cost accountant positions require a CMA, and/or even an MBA and significant experience in the financial industry (5+ years) may be able to use their years of experience to replace the degree.

While candidates can complete a degree in Business Administration, Public Administration, Finance, or Accounting, a wide variety of degrees may qualify someone for the role, depending on their previous experience. Cost accountants don’t necessarily need to be CMAs, though many choose to pursue certification because it enhances their knowledge and marketability in the industry.

Top Schools – US News & World Report rankings

Top Schools

  • University of Texas at Austin

  • BYU-Provo

  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Salary Range

cost accountants in the U.S.


Total cost accountants Employed in the U.S.





cost-accountant Salary Comparison


While cost accountants tend to be toward the bottom of the financial hierarchy, they are still incredibly important to the organization and are paid accordingly. There is a significant range for what cost accountants can make. The more experienced and educated the person, the better paid they will be.

For more detailed compensation information for cost accountants in [city-name], download our free compensation/salary report below.


The average annual salary for cost accountants in California was 84k in 2019. The hourly wage averaged $40.34.

For more detailed compensation information for cost accountants in Long Beach, download our free compensation/salary report below.

Working in Long Beach

Do cost accountants consider Long Beach a good place to work and live? On the whole, yes!

The city, the 7th most populous in California, is known for a couple of distinct landmarks and attractions, namely the historic Queen Mary, once a luxury cruise ship and now a luxury hotel, and Aquarium of the Pacific.

But the metropolis has more to offer than tourism. The Port of Long Beach is the second busiest container port in the United States and is among the world’s largest shipping ports. This influx of trade has made Long Beach a hub for manufacturing and related industries, and all the business associated with importing and exporting goods has created a wide diversity of employment opportunities. The petroleum industry is also prominent in Long Beach, with both onshore and offshore drilling.

In a recent exchange in Quora, residents weighed in with some of their thoughts about living in Long Beach.



    • Long Beach is known as a big city with a small city feel. Some compared it to a “patchwork quilt” of adjacent but very distinct neighborhoods.
    • These neighborhoods are close to shopping, entertainment, and restaurants.
    • If you are looking for diversity, this city has it and in particular, it’s very LGBTQ friendly.
    • The town seems to be a hub for creative talent, with local musicians, visual artists, poets, authors, and theater companies.
    • Amtec’s recruitment agency and staffing company services are available for Long Beach.

On the other hand, there are a few common complaints about living and working in Long Beach.


    • Like many other Southern California cities, especially coastal cities, it’s expensive.
    • About 40% of Long Beach residents are renters, and according to the most recent data, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $2,121.
    • The median home price is $675,000.
    • Parking, or more accurately the lack of parking, seems to be an issue, as well as traffic.
    • Specific to traffic, it’s the 405 freeway, which is notoriously stopped in both directions, and this freeway is the main artery running through the city.
    • Some see homelessness as a problem the city has not adequately addressed.



Current Weather

Not your city? View other cities where we place cost accountants.

Demand for cost accountants in Long Beach

Demand for cost accountants in Long Beach

Positions in accounting will see an average growth trajectory (4%) in the next 10 years, according to the BLS. Positions in accounting for some types of industries will have a stronger demand, for example, companies traded on a public stock exchange, due to the increase in reporting requirements.

The public sector typically has a high demand for people in this role, and financial managers and accountants in the investment industry, cash management, and risk management are expected to stay in high demand.

The supply of candidates and demand for open positions have a direct correlation to a company’s ability to hire. Download a free Supply and Demand report for cost accountants in [city-name] below.

The supply of candidates and demand for open positions have a direct correlation to a company's ability to hire. Download a free Supply and Demand report for cost accountants in Long Beach, California below.

How to Hire the Best cost accountants

Finding and hiring the best cost-accountant candidates can save you money right away and well into the future.

The costs of making a bad hire are well documented. The cost can run as much as 30% of the employee's first-year earnings according to the US Department of Labor. Bad hires can cost a whopping $240,000 in expenses related to hiring, compensation, and retention per The Undercover Recruiter. 74% of companies who admit they've hired the wrong person for a position lost an average of $14,900 for each bad hire according to CareerBuilder. These statistics support our long-held position that behavioral questions are the best way to get to know your candidates and past behavior is the best indicator of future performance.

Recruiting Best Practices

The information below comes from the best practices Amtec uses for finding the highest quality candidates.

Defining the Position

When defining the role you are creating, we recommend a position profile to fully evaluate the position you are hiring for. You must decide if the engineer can work remotely or must work in California. If working in Long Beach is essential, make sure you include that in your job posting so candidates can decide how many miles they can commute.

How to Source the Best Candidates

When you are looking to source the best quality candidates for your open positions, make sure you have done the legwork to hire an "A Player". You can do this by making sure your company's perspective is aligned with the current market, you have taken into account the job responsibilities, as well as what type of characteristics you are looking for to fit your company culture. Then proceed to write a job posting to attract high-quality candidates.

Characteristics of cost accountants

Cost Accountants continue to be incredibly important hires. You might say that they are the lifeblood of the company’s financial heart and soul. While tried and true accounting principles won’t change, technology is constantly changing. Thus, making it all the more important the future Cost Accounts are well-versed in all things numbers-related and are on the up and up with the latest technologies as well.

How to Screen Candidates

You wrote a job posting, posted the position online, and received a lot more resumes than you’d bargained for! Next comes the enormous task of sorting through those resumes to eliminate the ones that are clearly not a good fit. Now, you have a stack of resumes for candidates who have potential. So how do you go about screening the remaining candidates?

It starts on the phone! As a recruiter, the goal of your telephone screening is to learn more about your candidates. You can confirm that they have the educational qualifications and relevant experience, but you also need to determine if they would fit into your company's culture. To make this job easier, use a system to consistently evaluate results. This way you can equally and objectively compare candidates and evaluate their "soft skills", like communication and thinking process. Download Amtec's Professional Assessment Questionnaire below to help with screening candidates.

Free Professional Assessment Questionnaire

An individually customized questionnaire that helps assess a candidate's competence with written communication skills, thinking processes, and other relevant skills.

How to Interview Candidates

At Amtec, we believe in the power of behavoral interview questions to go beyond the experience and skills listed on the candidate's resume. Although you will want to confirm in the interview that the candidate does indeed have the experience listed on their resume, your assessment needs to go much deeper than that. An interview using behavioral questions can help you determine how well the candidate will fit with your company culture.

Download Amtec's best practices on conducting super effective interviews to find the best candidates and fill your open jobs.

Behavioral Interview Guide

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