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How to Hire Operations Managers in Sacramento

Amtec Hiring Guides

How to Hire Operations Managers in Sacramento

Current Environment

Operations management is the act of controlling and directing the design, production, and delivery of products. 

An important part of the role is using both project and quality management systems for mapping, improving, and monitoring operations processes. Although operations management has typically dealt with the manufacturing process, the growth of the service industry and product development has increased demand. 

Quality and project management systems are popular in today’s operations profession. It includes systems for mapping, improving, and monitoring operations processes. A variety of quality and process management systems are in use among top firms, the most notable systems being the ISO systems and Six Sigma. These systems aim to increase the efficiency of business processes. Although operations management has typically dealt with manufacturing, the growth of the service industry and product development has increased demand.


Although people have been producing and selling products since the very beginning of civilization, the implementation of operations management is a relatively new phenomenon. Operations management came to prominence in the 20th century, but its roots can be traced back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

Operations management has obviously been through a significant transformation since the industrial revolution; however, much of what was initially implemented is still, in one way or another, held in place over the years.

How will Recruiting operations managers Help Your Company?

How will Hiring operations managers Help Your Company?

The hiring of an operations manager can affect both your existing team and your bottom line. A great operations manager will be drawn to details, help with delegation, and help with communication – internally and externally.

The ROI of a good leader within your business can be massive – from increased sales and productivity to a lower employee turnover rate. The far-reaching responsibilities of a business operations manager is one reason finding the right candidate is so important.

Before we get to exactly how to hire the best operations manager, let’s review some of the details…

operations manager Details


A strong operations manager will ensure projects are completed properly and on time and are staffed appropriately. With a keen eye for detail, the operations manager will help to identify when things are not being completed correctly and/or running properly. They will be able to not only identify existing problems but will spearhead efforts to provide solutions and work collaboratively to organize and manage teams and production schedules and more.

Before we get to exactly how to recruit the best director of operations in [city_name], here are some of the responsibilities of the job.

An operations manager is responsible for keeping track of the big picture and identifying potential areas of improvement. The average operations manager’s responsibilities include: 

  • Long-term planning to create initiatives that further the company’s overall goals
  • Coordinating different teams to foster the exchange of ideas and provide cross-team learning opportunities
  • Assessing and analyzing departmental budgets to find ways to minimize expenses and optimize profits
  • Inspiring and motivating employees to perform at their best through positive encouragement and incentive initiatives
  • Communicating with the board or other senior officials about shifting company priorities and projects
  • Identifying potential problems and points of friction and working to find solutions in order to maximize efficiency and revenue
  • Identifying opportunities to expand or shift course in order to take advantage of changes in the market

Looking for another position? View other positions we place in Sacramento, California.


Typically, operations managers have at least a bachelor’s degree. While the degree may be in any field, many production managers have a bachelor’s degree in business administration or industrial engineering. Sometimes, production workers with many years of experience take management classes to become production managers.

At large organizations, where managers have more oversight responsibilities, employers may look for managers who have a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a graduate degree in industrial management.

Top Schools – US News & World Report rankings

Top Schools

  • Stanford University

  • The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

  • The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Salary Range

operations managers in the U.S.


Total operations managers Employed in the U.S.





operations manager Salary Comparison


Operations managers will likely face strong competition for open positions, but those who have several years of experience and a bachelor’s degree in industrial management or business administration should have the best prospects. While competition can be fierce, once hired, candidates can expect to be well compensated.


The average annual salary for operations managers in California was 137k in 2019. The hourly wage averaged $65.89.

For more detailed compensation information for operations managers in Sacramento, download our free compensation/salary report below.

Working in Sacramento

Do operations managers consider Sacramento, the state’s capital,  a good city for living and working? Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are recruiting for jobs in the city.

The city is located almost dead center in the diverse geography of California. It’s considered a just-right sized city (not too big, not too small) with just 500,000 residents, making it big enough to offer city life but small enough to not have the overcrowding issues of California’s bigger cities.

As the state capital, there are many more government and public sector jobs, so for those with an eye on working in the government sector or an adjacent industry, Sacramento has more employment opportunities than other locations.

Here are the top reasons for living and working in Sacramento.


    • Sacramento is one of the best cities for employment. Indeed ranked Sacramento as the #5 city in the country for job seekers based on average salary, the unemployment rate, projected job growth, and the local cost of living.
    • Lower cost of living. Although it’s about 5% higher than the national average, it’s less costly than California’s coastal cities. The median sale price for homes reached $460,500,  an increase of 10.9% year-over-year, but much lower than other California metro areas.
    • Recreation: The American River Parkway has more than a dozen parks along the water, and within a couple of hours, you can get your city fix in San Francisco, enjoy Napa’s famous wineries or explore Califonia’s incredible Yosemite.
    • Amtec helps build high-performance teams in Sacramento through its recruitment and staffing services.
    • History buffs love Sacramento. The discovery of gold here in 1848 shaped the future of the American West.

On the other hand, there are a few frequently cited downsides of living and working in Sacramento.


    • The weather. It’s pretty hot in Sacramento, with temps often climbing over 100 degrees in the summer.
    • Crime is a con for the area, although the Sacramento Bee reported that the violent crime rate in the region fell to its lowest level in 35 years during 2019.
    • Traffic. Compared with other cities, traffic is not terrible, but some complain it’s getting worse.
    • Limited public transportation, which contributes to the burgeoning traffic problems.

Current Weather

Not your city? View other cities where we place operations managers.

Demand for operations managers in Sacramento

Demand for operations managers in Sacramento

Jobs for operations managers in most industries are expected to increase at a rate of about 9% by 2026. The BLS is making these projections based on the rapid expansion of many existing companies and the significant number of new startup operations that are forming. It’s expected that this will result in the need for more capable managers for operations processes and teams.

The supply of candidates and demand for open positions have a direct correlation to a company's ability to hire. Download a free Supply and Demand report for operations managers in Sacramento, California below.

How to Hire the Best operations managers

Finding and hiring the best operations manager candidates can save you money right away and well into the future.

The costs of making a bad hire are well documented. The cost can run as much as 30% of the employee's first-year earnings according to the US Department of Labor. Bad hires can cost a whopping $240,000 in expenses related to hiring, compensation, and retention per The Undercover Recruiter. 74% of companies who admit they've hired the wrong person for a position lost an average of $14,900 for each bad hire according to CareerBuilder. These statistics support our long-held position that behavioral questions are the best way to get to know your candidates and past behavior is the best indicator of future performance.

Recruiting Best Practices

The information below comes from the best practices Amtec uses for finding the highest quality candidates.

Defining the Position

When defining the role you are creating, we recommend a position profile to fully evaluate the position you are hiring for. You must decide if the engineer can work remotely or must work in California. If working in Sacramento is essential, make sure you include that in your job posting so candidates can decide how many miles they can commute.

How to Source the Best Candidates

When you are looking to source the best quality candidates for your open positions, make sure you have done the legwork to hire an "A Player". You can do this by making sure your company's perspective is aligned with the current market, you have taken into account the job responsibilities, as well as what type of characteristics you are looking for to fit your company culture. Then proceed to write a job posting to attract high-quality candidates.

Characteristics of operations managers

The operations manager serves as a critical communication and project organization backbone, connecting and coordinating all the intersecting teams and business operations. Hiring the right candidate takes time and should include multiple interviews. Remember, when effective, this leader can ensure teams work together effectively which can increase your bottom line. This isn’t a hire that should be taken lightly.

For more detailed compensation information for operations managers in [city_name], download our free compensation/salary report below.

How to Screen Candidates

You wrote a job posting, posted the position online, and received a lot more resumes than you’d bargained for! Next comes the enormous task of sorting through those resumes to eliminate the ones that are clearly not a good fit. Now, you have a stack of resumes for candidates who have potential. So how do you go about screening the remaining candidates?

It starts on the phone! As a recruiter, the goal of your telephone screening is to learn more about your candidates. You can confirm that they have the educational qualifications and relevant experience, but you also need to determine if they would fit into your company's culture. To make this job easier, use a system to consistently evaluate results. This way you can equally and objectively compare candidates and evaluate their "soft skills", like communication and thinking process. Download Amtec's Professional Assessment Questionnaire below to help with screening candidates.

Free Professional Assessment Questionnaire

An individually customized questionnaire that helps assess a candidate's competence with written communication skills, thinking processes, and other relevant skills.

How to Interview Candidates

At Amtec, we believe in the power of behavoral interview questions to go beyond the experience and skills listed on the candidate's resume. Although you will want to confirm in the interview that the candidate does indeed have the experience listed on their resume, your assessment needs to go much deeper than that. An interview using behavioral questions can help you determine how well the candidate will fit with your company culture.

Download Amtec's best practices on conducting super effective interviews to find the best candidates and fill your open jobs.

Behavioral Interview Guide

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