Use Contingent Staff to Prevent Overworking

Many employers think that using temporary workers benefits them because it allows them to control expenses, avoid hiring a full-time, permanent worker, and get professional help quickly like turning on a faucet when they need water. But here’s another point of view you may not have considered:

Overwork Doesn’t Work

The U.S. is the most overworked nation in the world, according to 85.8% of men and 66.5% of women work more than 40 hours per week. 20.5% of the workforce logs over 49 hours each week. This means that mistakes and turnover skyrocket, and productivity and morale plummet.

Employee Burnout Can Be Prevented

Some obvious ways to prevent burnout, according to a recent study cited by CIO writer Sarah K. White, are to provide more flexible schedules and reduced workloads. But employees are also looking for a workplace that takes into account their needs and provides for their well-being. Snacks and beverages make employees feel cared for, but so do ergonomic workstations, comfortable break rooms, private workspaces that eliminate distractions, and the latest technology to help them do their jobs most efficiently and effectively.

It’s not just about the office perks. Recognition and rewards are another way to keep employees from feeling burned out, the study showed. Creating a sense of purpose is also highly motivating and increases employee engagement. Surprisingly, though, most of the people surveyed said that they’re more inspired to work in the office, even if they work from home a couple of days a week. So creating a welcoming, positive work environment is in their best interest, says White–and also yours:

Focusing on creating an inspiring work environment isn’t just for your employees either, it’s also beneficial to the company’s bottom line. The survey found that 47 percent of employees who report burnout also say that it has motivated them to start looking for another job. And replacing employees is expensive — between the cost of recruitment, onboarding and getting them up to speed, you’ll likely find it’s more cost effective to try and hold onto the workers you already have.

If your employees are feeling overworked, pay attention to these tips–and consider the possible benefits of hiring a temporary worker to ease their workload. Bringing in a temporary expert can not only lighten the load and improve performance but also boost company morale, a key ingredient that everyone agrees will help retain your best workers and improve your bottom line.

Do you need help acquiring top professionals to create a contingent workforce? We can help! Click here or call (714) 993-1900 to get help quickly.

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