Great Bosses Take This Step

Being a boss requires you to face many challenges, one of which is hiring the right employees. Then, you have to find ways to retain them. Of course, you’ve learned that one way to motivate, reward, and encourage your direct reports is to praise them. But you may not know about one step every boss can take that can make a huge difference!

Writer Jeff Haden shares two snapshots from his life to demonstrate that there are two ways to congratulate an employee. The first way points out that your time as a boss is valuable; the second communicates that your employee is important. You can guess which way has the more positive, long-term impact! Curious about what step you could be taking to reap the greatest benefit from praising your employees? Click here to read the full article and become an even better boss!

How much do your fellow employers say a bad hire costs? Find out here!

Article originally published on by Jeff Haden.

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