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Recruiting Trends for Civil Engineers

Civil engineers are highly sought-after, but the industry is changing fast. At Amtec, our team of direct hire recruiters experience changes in the labor market as part of their daily work of identifying and attracting top talent. Here are the latest civil engineer recruiting trends observed by our experts. 

Employers need to be creative in order to attract top civil engineering talent into their company for long-term careers.

To attract top talent into your company, you need a plan that focuses on the long-term career of the employee. This means making sure they have opportunities to grow in their chosen industry and are challenged by their role. An employee retention strategy will allow your company to save money on recruiting costs while increasing productivity and creating a positive working environment for all employees.

  • Civil engineering is one of the most in-demand degrees by related employers in America today, so there’s a lot of competition for your candidates. But if you have a great work culture, reputation, and benefits package, you’ll be able to attract top talent.
  • Candidates who have worked for other companies will be more likely to leave their current job if they feel their skills aren’t being utilized properly. If you can show how your company offers opportunities for growth and development, you’ll increase your chances of getting a candidate who stays with you longer.

Use Behavioral Interview Questions to find your next candidate.

When you’re recruiting engineers, it can be a challenge to get a feel for who they are and what they’re capable of. Behavioral interview questions are a great tool to use for civil engineer interviews.

Behavioral questions get at the heart of what someone has done and how they’ve done it in the past, rather than just asking about their skills or knowledge level. They also help you decide whether or not the candidate will fit well within your company culture.

For example: “Tell me about a time when you were working on a project with other people. How did you handle disagreements?” This question is designed to give you insight into how someone deals with conflict and whether they’re able to work well with others.

Amtec’s proprietary web tool for generating behavioral interview questions, can send you no-cost custom interview question set that provides questions for the skills you’re looking for. 

The outlook for the civil engineering industry is bright, especially with many big current construction projects still in their early stages.

The outlook for the civil engineering industry is bright, especially with many big current construction projects still in their early stages. The need for civil engineers is expected to grow by 11% from 2018 to 2028 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This increase in demand means that civil engineers are in high demand in areas such as transportation, urban development, and environmental engineering.

It’s important to employ talent management strategies such as succession planning to maintain a skilled workforce and continue delivering on the projects at hand.

It’s important to employ talent management strategies such as succession planning to maintain a skilled workforce and continue delivering on the projects at hand.

Succession planning is the process of identifying future leaders within an organization, helping them develop their skills, and preparing them for leadership roles. It can include mentoring, training programs and temporary assignments that allow new leaders to gain experience in areas where they are needed most.

Civil engineers have many opportunities for advancement within their careers — from project managers or construction managers to senior-level positions such as chief engineer or president of a firm. Succession planning not only helps fill these roles with qualified individuals but also ensures that companies have strong leadership in place as they grow into larger organizations with more complex teams.

Partner with Amtec

It’s a good time to be an engineer in civil engineering. The job outlook is bright and the demand is high, which means that companies need to compete for top talent. What will you do to stand out? Contact our team to bring top talent to your company. 

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